“Safety Line” for Epidemic Prevention and Control Casting by the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces, Ruzhou City, Henan Province

“Safety Line” for Epidemic Prevention and Control Casting by the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces, Ruzhou City, Henan Province

On January 4, the epidemic swept through again. The Ministry of Human Resources and Military Affairs of Ruzhou City, Henan Province took over the task of superiors and decided to set up epidemic control checkpoints at the two key points of “external defense input” at the exit of the expressway and the junction. , To protect people’s safety.

The militia team of Wenquan Town, Ruzhou City actively exerts the spirit of “service in peacetime, emergency response, and response in wartime”, and actively invites Ying to participate in the prevention and control work at the front line of epidemic prevention and control, set up tents at the stuck point, and transport tables, chairs, beds, etc. The necessary materials, even if the snowfall and the biting cold, cannot withstand the ardent heart of the militia, fully cooperate to ensure the joint duty of the health center and the traffic police department, while doing a good job in logistical support, in accordance with the prescribed procedures and norms to create an “external The strong barrier of “anti-import” protects the lives, health and safety of the masses.

On the front line of epidemic prevention and control, a figure in camouflage uniforms appeared in places where the people needed it most, adding confidence and confidence to the people in overcoming the epidemic. In the battle against the epidemic prevention and control, the militia team demonstrated their mission and responsibility with practical actions, and built a “safety line” on the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

Author: (Liang Jianwen, Zhang Peng)